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Are we an easy target for anti-airgun regulation?

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Where we are is pretty good compared to many others and to where we could be. I would much rather be here than almost anywhere else in the world!

I am so tired of all these “The Sky is Falling” posts. This one is being rehashed and it is 4 YEARS OLD!

Sure, the world could end tomorrow, but it probably won’t.

In the meantime, how about we talk about (and go shoot) our airguns?

I was out shooting the other day. They aren't mutually exclusive.
Pretty good compared to others? That's like being in a car crash and saying, "At least we didn't flip over the bridge and fall 200 feet, but the cars still totaled."

IMHO - You treat the Government like they are a 16 year old boy on a date with your 15 year old daughter. :oops::D:D

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But isn't the 2nd amendment line of reasoning similarly absurd? Airguns aren't guns, just like neutron bombs aren't guns. So how is the 2nd amendment relevant?
The 2nd Amendment ensures you have the ability to fight off an tyrannical Government, just like we did the British. The manner or tools use to that end are protected (air gun, cannon, etc.).

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But isn't the 2nd amendment line of reasoning similarly absurd? Airguns aren't guns, just like neutron bombs aren't guns. So how is the 2nd amendment relevant?
No it is not. Boy I can hear the wind whistling thru your head. Ok, enough from the peanut gallery, is this guy for real? I won't even waste another second on this guy. Have a great day
Where we are is pretty good compared to many others and to where we could be. I would much rather be here than almost anywhere else in the world!

I am so tired of all these “The Sky is Falling” posts. This one is being rehashed and it is 4 YEARS OLD!

Sure, the world could end tomorrow, but it probably won’t.

In the meantime, how about we talk about (and go shoot) our airguns?
Only because like you too many are willing to settle. I am pretty sure our forefathers would also disagree with you as I do. But, sure lets enjoy what little freedoms we think we have today so tomorrow we can stand in food lines and then go get our implants to pay for those items the following day. Pretty good are you kidding me say that to a vet that lost a friend and or a limb fighting so we can remain a free country. Wow just wow some can't face reality.
Only because like you too many are willing to settle. I am pretty sure our forefathers would also disagree with you as I do. But, sure lets enjoy what little freedoms we think we have today so tomorrow we can stand in food lines and then go get our implants to pay for those items the following day. Pretty good are you kidding me say that to a vet that lost a friend and or a limb fighting so we can remain a free country. Wow just wow some can't face reality.
It is actually funny to see some of these responses.

“Wow just wow some can't face reality.” I would argue that I am the one facing reality, as opposed to the Chicken Little types running around saying that the sky is falling, especially in response to a 4 year old thread saying that THE SKY IS FALLING. Yet, here we are. The sun still came up this morning, life is still worth living and yes, I feel pretty good most days.

I do understand that life must be pretty miserable for those who wake up everyday simply overcome by how awful things are, or how much we are headed in the wrong direction, or our airguns are too powerful, or they will be regulated ( - OK, all of mine are regulated 😅), or whatever is the PROBLEM OF THE DAY (POTD). I would simply suggest that we all take a chill pill and breathe before putting on our Prophet of Doom clothing and posting stuff.

I am not blind, and like most on this site, I own and use airguns and firearms. I know there are threats out there, from all sides. I also know that possibly, one day, one or more of these threats may materialize. However I refuse to live my life in constant fear of whatever is out there, and whatever POTD is the big thing today. Experience has thought me that it is possible to obsess over every threat and challenge and get absolutely nowhere and get nothing but being miserable. Instead I choose to pay attention, shoot my (air)guns, and still to enjoy myself.

So, go ahead and do you. I’ll do me.
It is actually funny to see some of these responses.

“Wow just wow some can't face reality.” I would argue that I am the one facing reality, as opposed to the Chicken Little types running around saying that the sky is falling, especially in response to a 4 year old thread saying that THE SKY IS FALLING. Yet, here we are. The sun still came up this morning, life is still worth living and yes, I feel pretty good most days.

I do understand that life must be pretty miserable for those who wake up everyday simply overcome by how awful things are, or how much we are headed in the wrong direction, or our airguns are too powerful, or they will be regulated ( - OK, all of mine are regulated 😅), or whatever is the PROBLEM OF THE DAY (POTD). I would simply suggest that we all take a chill pill and breathe before putting on our Prophet of Doom clothing and posting stuff.

I am not blind, and like most on this site, I own and use airguns and firearms. I know there are threats out there, from all sides. I also know that possibly, one day, one or more of these threats may materialize. However I refuse to live my life in constant fear of whatever is out there, and whatever POTD is the big thing today. Experience has thought me that it is possible to obsess over every threat and challenge and get absolutely nowhere and get nothing but being miserable. Instead I choose to pay attention, shoot my (air)guns, and still to enjoy myself.

So, go ahead and do you. I’ll do me.
I think you're missing the point that I'm referring to and you're thinking of the lighter side of these issues. Please make a video for your grand kids children and their children so, they can better understand why the country they live in (assuming it's America) isn't any different and as bad as the rest. America used to be yes used to be the greatest country in the world. It is just a shadow of what it once was thanks to weak minded American's like yourself. Like you stated
"Instead I choose to pay attention, shoot my (air)guns, and still to enjoy myself." It's all about you and having your fun buying your toys and pointing your finger and judging others for what they don't have and mocking them for pointing out the Truth. You are correct it's your life live it as you see fit, to bad future generations may not have that opportunity because previous generations did nothing to secure our Freedoms. Have a great day playing with your pew pews. I can read you like a book and it has a dark ending, good luck with that.
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Any observation of objective reality will reveal that there is a battle between the open source/individual empowerment and surveillance/tyranny. Unfortunately power goes where power is; and momentum is in favor of those that want to curtail liberty via surveillance. The US governemnt cannot compete on the surveilllance technology front when the Chinese get so much better because they have a complete surveilance state, just for examle. Thats not enough. Grocery stores give us a membership card to knock a few bucks off the tab; in exchange we let them monitor all our purchases. Our keyboards report what we type, etc. It is a very safe assumption that liberty across the board is on the blink. But a more presceient concern is the food production and distribution front. Go ahead and not heed that eventuality. If this board still survives in 2025, I'd be surprised if the global populaion hasn't been reduced by a few billion.
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You have to keep your eye on them. As soon as you don't pay attention, they do or create something like, oh I don't know, the Federal Reserve Act, Dept. Of Education, Dept of Energy, etc.

Or arm the IRS and hire 87k new agents. WTF, is going on there? Coming after all the small time peeps who don't report?
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