Anybody in Nebraska or Illinois? A question on squirrel hunting

If you've seen my writing or YouTube/social media you might know I'm a squirrel hunting fanatic. In the past I've done what I call the squirrel hunters grand slam: a fox, gray Aberts, and black color phase squirrel in one season. This year I want to squirrel hunt in as many states as possible.

The seasons in Nebraska and Illinois both open early... in August... which will let me get an early start. I don't know these areas, and wanted to ask any of my FB friends if you can recommend a good public hunting area (state or national forest, etc).

I live in Minnesota, so the further north and east is the better for me, but I will travel to where I need to go. My idea is to drive in and set up a camp (so should have a camping area), spend arrival afternoon scouting,, hunt for 2 days, then out. If you can give me any ideas on where to go I'd appreciate it!




Unfortunately Illinois has some crazy rules about hunting with airguns. The rules are site specific. Most state parks are shotgun only. Your closet would be Lowden Miller near Oregon, but you can only hunt squirrel Sept 1st thru the 30th. Two of my favorite places are outside Bloomington. Mackinaw River and Clinton Lake. During the week I have never encountered another hunter at Mackinaw. I have a buddy with access to private land outside Ottawa we hunt until Oct when the owner deer hunts. I'll pm you my cell number and see if we can set something up if you're interested.
