Any airgunners here from Northeast PA

I live in the Scranton / Carbondale area. (the area where the TV series 'The Office" was filmed)

I have been into precision shooting (powder burners) all my life and have met numerous people locally to share my hobby with face to face. It makes the hobby so much more enjoyable. Most people I know (like myself) have owned and shot cheap BB and pellet guns for back yard plinking but mention precision air rifle shooting and hunting to them and they look at me like I am from a different planet. Granted I have only discovered the incredible capabilities of airguns and the fun and challenges of shooting them a year ago myself but now I am addicted. My powder burners haven't come out of the gun safe since. I no longer need to always go to the shooting range nor do I have to spend hours reloading either before or after. Just fill up my air tank and go. You all know all of this of course! 

This forum is great but I am looking for people that share my excitement for the sport where we can get together and shoot and talk face to face without feeling like an outcast. So if you live anywhere near me give me a shout!
There are two airgun field target clubs in Southeast PA. Falls Township Rifle and Pistol association and Delaware County Fish and Game. The 2020 season is done. Next year there will be more clubs open in NY close to Scranton.

Here is the field target calendar for the Northeast region.

Look at the AGN field target forum as well.