All Ready For New Ballistics Gel Testing 😁

My back ordered Ballistic Gel mold finally arrived this week. I removed the few projectiles remaining, and placed a mostly intact block back into the mold. I melted it down and it seemed to turn out okay, but I have a big dip in the middle that goes down around a 1/4". 😥

I going to do a retune on my Maverick VP with the Tungsten Hammer Weight so I can push these heavy ARG slugs.

Now just waiting for my ARG samples to arrive so I can get some test going.

I also purchase 500 more FX Hybrid Slugs in .357, so the Bulldog will get in on some of the action too!


Next time you melt that block down try to cool it slowly and evenly by just shutting down the oven and leaving it in there overnight. It won't shrink that much in the middle if cooled evenly.
I let it melt for over 7 hours which kept the bubbles from forming, and I just left it in the oven after turning it off for 5 hours.

Next time, I'll leave it overnight for better results. Thanks for the tip! 😃