Air Venturi nomad

I’m guessing they sent me a replacement compressor, since my other one didn’t last 3.5 months. Well the auto stop doesn’t work, so it’s a good thing I was standing over it airing up my streamline! Here’s pictures of it dead headed I tried multiple times and had to stop it each time. 
Yeah this is the replacement, I’m to the point that I want my money back. The first pump was twice as loud as this one, and pumped up slower till it quit. I followed the maintenance schedule, I would be surprised if it had more then 1-2 hours on the first unit in the 3 months it worked. This second one is defective right out the box. I know the book has you call Air Venturi, which means I cannot get them till Wednesday but isn’t pyramid air the same people?
I really wish nothing but the best luck to any of y’all that have bought an AV model (fill in the blank), I really do. 

As for me, I will never ever buy one or recommend one. I paid $700 for the AV Booster. It died after the first fill. Was sent back on their dime for repairs. It died again shortly after receiving it back. Was sent back again on their dime for a full refund. 
It is a mixed blessing. One of the last bastions of American manufacturing is the concept of consistent quality control. Although this concept is slipping in the USA, it has never truly taken hold in China. Stuff from China varies from awesome to "why bother". If you get a good one, then the lottery has been won. You may even wonder why other people are whining so much about what was a solid product for you. American companies who ship jobs to China, discover they have to spend large sums to educate the workforce there on the concept of quality control. It is not ingrained into their society, as it is here. 

Then, of course you always want to buy and have delivered any Chinese product BEFORE Chinese New Year, as employee turnover is legendary during this period. The whole new batch of employees have to be trained from scratch, and the first products they make each year are sketchy.
im hoping they will give me a refund or maybe a nomad2 but right now I would rather have the money and buy a different compressor. A 5 minute check of this compressor before they shipped would have showed the issue. I had to ship it to them on my dime the first time.

I will get you my timeline, as I think I documented it here. I was lit! And insisted they pay for for the shipping and they did. I was damned if I was going to pay to return something they had sent defective in the first place. Same thing when it came back still defective after “repair”
OK, here is the timeline as best I can put it together. Not sure if it will help you, but I would certainly call them and try to get a better resolution. You are spending upwards of $500, I don't know about you, but I work hard for my money. These are essentially toys that fulfill a want, not a need (unless you are a professional pesting person) and I think your hard work should be respected a little better. 

AV Booster arrived to me early June '17. First trouble was noted on Aug. 21, '17. It was sent back on Aug. 26, '17 (on their dime) for warranty repairs. I received it back around Sept. 21, '17 and it worked good enough to fill one tank once on Oct 7th, '17. By mid Oct it was no longer working as I attempted to top off the tank. It was sent back for a refund shortly after that. I was very respectful, but I put my foot down and insisted on my demands. 

They no longer sell the booster at all. Now the Nomad one is out of the picture too. While I could be wrong, I see a trend, one that I don't like. 

Good luck.
I’m a Union ironworker, i work my butt off for my $$$. The crew I’m working on now is doing a 500x250 metal building. But anyways I will call them between Christmas and new year. If I get my money back, which is what I want. I’ll buy an omega, the wife said to just get a good one so I stop “complaining”

Yeah! Go union, brother! (Local104 Sheet Metal Workers)
I’m a Union ironworker, i work my butt off for my $$$. The crew I’m working on now is doing a 500x250 metal building. But anyways I will call them between Christmas and new year. If I get my money back, which is what I want. I’ll buy an omega, the wife said to just get a good one so I stop “complaining”

Yeah! Go union, brother! (Local104 Sheet Metal Workers)

Union Brother Local 214 Sheetmetal Worker retiring in 20 weeks