Air Velocity Sport: Is slugging it out in recovery

I want to thank everyone for all the well wishes and prayers over these last three weeks. I’m grateful to be a part of the airgun community. A very special thank you to Hajimoto for keeping everyone updated on my progress. In short, I had a ruptured gallbladder that I did not know of until the infection started spreading. I have finally beat the infection and can now fully recover.

Surgeon said I can resume normal activity in 2 weeks. I can’t wait to getting back to making videos and slugs again.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

I wish you a speedy recovery Steven. My wife just had to have emergency surgery on Easter Sunday evening for the same thing. Stones and sludge that was causing toxins in her blood. Dr. was concerned because the tube from her liver to her pancreas was becoming blocked and wasn't sure if he could clear it without a second surgery. She's home and recovering, slowly getting her strength back. Glad you are on the mend my friend.