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Air guns of Arizona

I would buy there in an instant.
Have to remember any of the large air gun shops deal with so many people and NOBODY is going to do everything right every time. They are bound to get a few bad reviews and then add in some people think they need their behinds kissed every time there is a slight hiccup.
I have seen nasty reviews on both AOA and UA and would buy from either without a second thought.
Bought four guns over the years two pumps parts and pellets...had a few issues...but always a smooth resolution to my satisifaction, I have their number programed on my phone for those impulse purchases...There isn't a day goes by that I don't check out their site. Top shelf outfit in by book.
Im not sure if Robert Buchanan still runs th e show over their? but he had a air rifle i couldnt live with out"it was one of the frist high dollars airgun i brought. I think it was $1200 dollars" this like 12 years ago and it was used.I said hay man are ya given any senior discount? I think he asked me how old i was ? i did,nt want to frighten him so i told him 65" and he said OK $1000 bucks.I still have"that HW 100 front fill.Its going to the grave with me?unless i get creamed"
Has anyone recently purchased an air rifle from Air guns of Arizona? I am thinking about buying one from them, but I have rad some nasty reviews about the business Comments would be greatly appreciated.

Delivery of products is one measurement of service: undeliverment is another. Bought a Ghost 25cal HP over the phone that was the last one in stock. Paid in full. Next day they contacted me to let me know the gun had issues and I would be top of the list for next shipment expected in about 10 days to 2 weeks. After a few days I decided to forgo the Ghost 👻 👽 and get a different rifle from Utah Airguns. Called AoA and canceled my purchase. No questions from AoA other asking for the reason. Fair and expected question. The conversation was painless and respectful. So how does this experience relate to customer service? .... The 100% refund was back in my bank account an hour later. Can't expect more. Bill and Addi.
Has anyone recently purchased an air rifle from Air guns of Arizona? I am thinking about buying one from them, but I have rad some nasty reviews about the business Comments would be greatly appreciated.
I have bought several airguns from AOA as have many of the folks I shoot with. I have NEVER had any issues with them or heard from my friends of any issues. I have always been treated with courtesy and respect.
Don’t know where your hair in bed info on them from what I miss overall their gunners perspective you’re a top shelf outfit. It’s a very competitive industry and no one who works for a runs any of the larger airgun sites he’s going to risk losing a customer or getting a bad reputation. That’s my two cents worth.