Thanks for the new locations, but NAG treats me 100% like a VIP customer. Here is the kicker: every customer gets that treatment, and this store has a downfall, and it is time. I go in to shoot, and this is my process, I get unpacked.....leave my booth and, go to the store all my supplies, and start a conversation....conversation last for about 30 min, then I go back to my booth and load my ammo and fill my tanks..after John might come in and we will start up a convo that is about 15 min; then I will talk to K, then I will talk to Lue for about 5 min. And it is all about life talk and AIR GUNS...Then I shoot!!!! The point is they became really good friends, they give free range time to Veterans, and they go above and beyond to create a good customer-to-business relationship...I don't know if any Brick and mortar can top that.