A private shooting range

So I am lucky enough to live on a large enough piece of land to be able to build my own shooting range I have plenty of space for as many lanes as I want and as high as 200 yards.

I want to have target sets at 25, 50, 75, 100 & 125 yards. I had an idea to do a single lane with targets I creasing in height as you go down the lane. For example, 3ft at 25 yards, 4ft at 50, and so on. 

Do you guys think that is a good ideal or a stupid one?
If it were mine I'd have targets all same height but stager them left-right-left-right, etc. Clear zone down center and clear line of sight from shooting bench to each distance. Kind of like we have at our sportsman's club range. Last one (for example 200) can be centered.

Pluss one on this idea , I like that setup. Congratulations on the space to do that and good luck.

Gongs angled on the left side at 75, 100, 150, 200, and 250. Usually set up target stands on the right side for punching paper. 

Solar lights for night shooting too:


I'm using the hill behind as a backdrop. I live in a valley below a ridge so behind the shooting range is a big hill made mostly of rock.

The 125 yd target will be on one side of the creek, right up against the hill.

The rest of the targets will be on the same side of the creek as my shooting bench, set at 25, 50, 75 and 100 yds.

Don't think I am going to screw with lighting as I have no plan to do any night shooting.

I do like the idea of hanging some spinners from trees, so I think I will add that feature.

My targets will be basic shoot and see stuck to plywood so I can see exactly where I'm hitting. I have not so great vision so they are much easier to use for me.

I have a 1000 ft long area to shoot in as well. I stagger my targets and use distance markers, because once you reach way out, it pays to be able to check your ranging for practice. Your setup is what ever suits your wants and needs. I like to have some high up at closer ranges and down low as well just to test my elevated shooting skills. Now matter what you decide, you will probably add to and change your mind later on, so go and have fun....oh yea, how about some pics...we like pics !!!
Nothing quite like having land to do with, as you please!

Have you thought about some moving targets? It can be as simple as hanging something, like a tin or thick plastic bottle, from a long string. Shoot it and it starts swinging, making quick follow up shots more challenging. Extra fun with a semi-auto. Variety is the spice of life and all that......