A Little Eye Candy and such..

@Dairyboy.... sir... not to brag... but you aint seen nothing yet! 😉

You've already blown me away👍

Can't wait to see what's next.



Ah..so that one. I'm sure if you are into AF guns, you've heard of the WOKButt. Most of my AF guns wear some form of them. Waaaaay back on the old TOG, before the TAG, Adam made that same buttstock adapter. I begged and pleaded with him until he made me one and then he saw there was a market for them and if I recall correctly, they had a little contest to come up with the name and WOKButt was chosen. His final iteration of the design looks nothing like the original, but I really like the looks of the original. 

So that is the original WOKButt. I dont know if he made me one or got tired if my incessant whining and gave me his or what.... but that's what it is!
Wow beautiful guns! I followed your M10 builds on the GTA never knew you had so many other nice guns!

Same here. I go by anti-squirrel over there- just recently signed up over here.

Yes, sir...know that name from there of course! Reckon we really are a pretty close knit group. Didnt expect to find so many folks over here that I'd already knew, including one from YEARS back who hit me up.

Enjoying the vibe here for sure. Seems active and friendly. Gotta love that!