40yd zero decline changes.(help)

Does shooting at -1 decline at 40yds make a difference? 

i set up paper targets and zeroed at 40 yds 0 degrees incline/decline so pretty much leveled. 
I hit dead center but when i shoot at the lower targets at -1 decline my shots are high. i adjust my scope to hit center and switch back to 0 degrees and my shots are low. 
does it really play that big of a role shooting incline/decline? 

Cali, I typically shoot targets with nine bulls, three rows of three, at 70 and 100 yards. I start with bottom right, and fire each row from right to left. I see striking changes in POI AND group size as I do this.

Now I have tape on the floor marking the position of chair legs, tape on the bench marking position of bipod legs, tape on the bench marking position of rear bag. As I proceed from bull to bull I try to shift the gun laterally rather than pivoting it, and shift my butt accordingly. I haven't found a way to get around having to gradually tilt the rifle upward as I work my way up the target, but the changes in POI and group size are less. So I think it's not the degree of incline that's changing your POI. It's changes in the attitude of your rifle with respect to the bench and your body.
Could be the way your holding the gun, but 1 ° there shouldn't really make a bit of difference with poi.

What velocity are you shooting at? A looper trajectory would be much more critical. 

When hunting or practicing, I always use a archery range finder that compensates distance to real shooring yardage depending on the angle say shooting up a very steep embankment at a target that would be 40 yards on flat ground but in order to hit you must shoot it for 15 yards. Hope that makes sense. 

Have you looked at ChairGun and checked for differences in angular poi?