381 Yards Offhand ?

The position of the sun when he stops the video the first time is damn near noontime. When he takes his last 3 shots some 4 - 5 hours have passed, you shoot that long at anything you could get lucky and hit it once.

Also shooting directly into the sun those last 3 shots, no way you're seeing nick in golf ball.

Hitting the farm equipment itself at that distance offhand with a $300 gun is a feat in itself though, not need for the bs...

The Sun goes down quickly in Never Never land. 😂
Total crap. I stopped watching when he walked over to the spotting scope, panned it into position and declared a hit. Anyone knows that the scope is set before the shot and it takes time find a small target. Total crap!

What I don't understand is why. Hit golfball at 100 yards offhand and you get respect. Make an asinine claim and you get views. Pour on the grief.
The scope alone makes it fake . I feel like I have at least a better than average knowledge of scopes . At that distance , with the super low resolution of that scope looking into a setting sun ....You would be lucky to make out a Car from a Pickup Not exaggerating. I don't get the appeal of making such a video . It takes away from guys like Shooter1721 and BobO and Whiskey 68 shooters that make some incredible air rifle shots . Not to mention Ted , Matt , Claudio, Dana , and many others who can really shoot . Damn Shame 
OK, here's the REAL DEAL. I popped that golf ball! Didn't mean to but missed the bottle cap I was shooting 600 yards away. It took 3.47 hours for my pellet to get there from California & hit his golf ball. He's trying to get credit for MY shot. That's the truth because I was watching HIS ball from MY spotting scope here in Cali. I would never stretch the truth. 
His reaction to seeing the impact on what possibly is the worst scope on the market at almost 400 yards blows my mind !!! I have been blessed to have used some of the very best scopes ever made ....And at 4X your ass ain't gonna see a pellet impact

I recall my earlier statement after watching the video. Cheap scope and shooting into the sun = no f'n way he'd know that he hit it. I would have issues seeing that impact with my 7-35 ATACR from an offhand position, unless the ball exploded.