2021 Airgun Christmas Video Challenge!


It is a festive time of year, and we want to see what you are doing to cut loose and have some fun with your air rifles and air pistols!

Please enjoy our little video and then get out there and film one yourself to enter our fun Christmas giveaway! Winners will be chosen in January and will receive a special AOA Prize Bag! We look forward to seeing everyone's vidoes! Post them here, or tag us in your social media to enter!

Merry Christmas from our AOA Team!
At last week's shoot, I had decorated a felt Christmas tree with several different types of ornaments - and we found out the ones which worked best.


Even though the target looked pretty well 'shot up' when we were finished:


The back side was still pretty clean and usable. So since we were going to get an unexpected respite from the rain, I loaded the tree up with a new set of ornaments - this time all .50 cal paintballs.


So bright and colorful, and we 'took it down' today! Only 5 of us shooting it out today, and video footage sped up for your viewing pleasure.

Happy Holidays to all.
