2.5 power plenum wildcat mk3

So I installed my new ernest rowe designed 2.5" plenum today. It went well except for a leak that was fixed by Installing the brown oring. By the way this is on a .22 mk3 sniper. So my pre plenum tune had my gun shooting jsb knockouts at 848 on power setting 6. And 880 on pwr 7. With the addition of the plenum per 6 is 890 and per 7 is 919. So a about a 40fps increase.

I also installed a huma reg pressure gauge that has a more precise readout on it. And my reg pressure is about 125

Keep in mind, fellas, Ernest told me the long extension was designed for the pressure tube to stop just short of a standard moderator on the 600 and 700mm barrels

The only wildcats that will require an extension on the barrel shroud are the compacts, with the use of either the short or long air tube extensions. A DonnyFL adapter that is like 2” long will be required, or switch over to a Hugget Snipe moderator. 

The only way to be able to go past the moderator with the air tube and still clear the moderator by like a 1/16 to an 1/8”, is with the use of a Hugget Snipe moderator or a moderator of the same diameter. Currently on my 25 cal MK2 with 600mm barrel, with the Ernest Rowe long extension my air tube stops just over halfway into my Hugget, and still not touch.

if I get greedy for more power I’m going to add the shorter extension at the rear, along with the longer extension up front. I’m prepared to extend my barrel shroud with a DonnyFL adapter that goes from M20 to 1/2-20 and all I would need to do is swap out the end cap on my Huggett to 1/2-20 female thread. 

Still playing with my current tune of 1001 FPS with the 28 grain Barracuda Hunter extremes, to keep seeing how it performs. I like the compactness of the 600mm barrel, so I may just leave it as is. 


Hey Tigerhunter, what all ammo are you using? Are you happy with the fit and performance with the SMW barrel band support installed? Does it help with POI consistency, solidness, and rigidity? With my .25 cal WC MKIII having the same mod/accessory all shots out to 50 yards are just too easy for the WC. I have to shoot beyond 50 yards to present any sort of challenge to the MKIII. Is your performance similar? Mine is a laser with JSB’s or Nielsen’s. Did your accuracy improve, degrade, or stay the same using your MKIII with the new plenum shooting @ faster velocities? Lastly, do you agree that this new Wildcat MKIII Sniper is just freakin’ awesome?

Keep in mind, fellas, Ernest told me the long extension was designed for the pressure tube to stop just short of a standard moderator on the 600 and 700mm barrels

The only wildcats that will require an extension on the barrel shroud are the compacts, with the use of either the short or long air tube extensions. A DonnyFL adapter that is like 2” long will be required, or switch over to a Hugget Snipe moderator. 

The only way to be able to go past the moderator with the air tube and still clear the moderator by like a 1/16 to an 1/8”, is with the use of a Hugget Snipe moderator or a moderator of the same diameter. Currently on my 25 cal MK2 with 600mm barrel, with the Ernest Rowe long extension my air tube stops just over halfway into my Hugget, and still not touch.

if I get greedy for more power I’m going to add the shorter extension at the rear, along with the longer extension up front. I’m prepared to extend my barrel shroud with a DonnyFL adapter that goes from M20 to 1/2-20 and all I would need to do is swap out the end cap on my Huggett to 1/2-20 female thread. 

Still playing with my current tune of 1001 FPS with the 28 grain Barracuda Hunter extremes, to keep seeing how it performs. I like the compactness of the 600mm barrel, so I may just leave it as is. 

HUMA MOD 30 moderators will also perfectly fit the Wildcat Compact when using the Plenum extension 

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Hey joe I do think my cat is totally freaking awesome. I have made several timber tiger head shots at 67yds I really need to get it out to 100.

Mine absolutely loves jsb knockouts so that is mostly what I shoot. I would love to have this gun setup so that it shoots the slugs on one of the highest settings jsb hades at one of the lower settings.

I haven't been crazy about tuning and getting everything perfect because I knew I was adding the plenum and everything would change at that point. Now I will fine tune it in for those two. I really like the barrel band I just didn't like all that Flex in the barrel I do stand my gun in the corner out on the deck or in the house while I'm watching the yard there was a lot of flex now it's rock solid and I don't believe it hurt accuracy at 67 yards. I haven't been able to shoot any groups yet since I put the plenum on yesterday. yesterday was very rainy and windy here in Michigan.

Btw joe thanx again for all your help getting me up to speed with my new WC
Hey joe I do think my cat is totally freaking awesome. I have made several timber tiger head shots at 67yds I really need to get it out to 100.

Mine absolutely loves jsb knockouts so that is mostly what I shoot. I would love to have this gun setup so that it shoots the slugs on one of the highest settings jsb hades at one of the lower settings.

I haven't been crazy about tuning and getting everything perfect because I knew I was adding the plenum and everything would change at that point. Now I will fine tune it in for those two. I really like the barrel band I just didn't like all that Flex in the barrel I do stand my gun in the corner out on the deck or in the house while I'm watching the yard there was a lot of flex now it's rock solid and I don't believe it hurt accuracy at 67 yards. I haven't been able to shoot any groups yet since I put the plenum on yesterday. yesterday was very rainy and windy here in Michigan.

Btw joe thanx again for all your help getting me up to speed with my new WC

By the way for anybody who is interested in that smw Barrel band mine took six weeks to arrive.

Nice Tiger!!! Good to see someone other than myself with a MKIII Sniper and a similar set up and have it working out well! Compliments on your sweet Wildcat!!