
There's goes my Friday nights. 😂 Time to clean as sort my pellets! 

Pellet lube, I've been using CRC food grade silicone spray on them. Seems to work pretty good. But, I'm a powder burner convert. This is all new to me. 😃


Mr. H, no I have not tried the Finish Line Dry chain lube. But please let me know how well it works and if you like the results I may try some also.

I've tried a number of products over the years, and so far, the Finish Line works best for me and as really tightened up my groups. I don't sort, though. I read your post before you modified it, are are some pics with the ingredients. I've even gone to the extent of running a wet patch down my barrel after its been cleaned. Thanks fo the tips on which solvents you use. I've always used the warm water/Dawn solution.