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  1. donut_man

    I died One year ago today

    A very long story made short, went into the ER with a heart attack and woke up two days later In the ICU. I had gone into cardiac arrest while in the hospital and being that I was there when it happened is certainly the only reason I am here today. I was “out” for 23 minutes and spent a lot of...
  2. donut_man

    FX M3....... 56 consecutive Shots / 50 mtrs

    Nice shooting and a great gun 😁
  3. donut_man

    Best Quick Optics

    I really like popping pests with my immersive optic. I have an element 14x50 on a .22 and love it, it is my go to.
  4. donut_man

    good job mods/admins!

    Just popping in to say thanks for whatever work is going on behind the scenes @ AGN to keep this forum running smooth for everyone to use. (y)
  5. donut_man

    Need input for night vision scopes

    I am certainly not anyone to take advice from but I happen to have the ATN 4k and just picked up a Pard NV008SP2. Based on size alone I would pick the Pard, it is not much larger than the IR light on the ATN. So far I feel like the PARD is a little easier to set up but to be fair it went through...
  6. donut_man

    A hawk snatched my squirrel

    It is my current favorite for sure.
  7. donut_man

    A hawk snatched my squirrel

    This morning I noticed a squirrel in the "zone of certain death" and took my shot. No sooner than I put the rifle back on the wall a hawk swooped in and got a free breakfast. Anyway I really dig these birds, unfortunately the only picture was what I could get from my phone of him flying off...
  8. donut_man

    Immersive 14x50 (or any other “zero eye relief” scopes) while wearing glasses?

    I have no problem with my progressive lens glasses and I would recommend the the optic. I have it on top of a 22 cal Dreamline compact and it is my favorite set up. Super clear and perfect for our fart guns imo.
  9. donut_man

    Immersive 14x50 (or any other “zero eye relief” scopes) while wearing glasses?

    I have the 14x50 and wear glasses. Can't say it is the ideal situation but it is my favorite optics by far. (y)
  10. donut_man

    Happy New Year!!!

    Happy New year!
  11. donut_man

    T shirt with a pocket?

    My dad likes pocket tee shirts too. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
  12. donut_man

    how do you cut foam

    I appreciate all the suggestions and I ordered a hot knife. How about some pics of the end results?
  13. donut_man

    how do you cut foam

    3M makes a #77 spray adhesive you can get at most of the big box stores.
  14. donut_man

    Introducing the KalibrGun Snipe

    Lord there is a bunch of people here who like to complain on the internet :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: I like it, looks cool to me and I bet it is a ball to shoot.
  15. donut_man

    When someone has to ask, what is a meaningful post I think ,

    I alway think they should all get merged into one giant thread that does not count towards the ten (or whatever) posts required.:cool:
  16. donut_man

    how do you cut foam

    So is there a trick to cutting foam without it looking like a beaver chewed it apart?