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  1. A

    Digital Sound Level Meters Setup and Testing

    For most of our measurements we use 1/2" microphones from either Bruel & Kjaer or PCB, signal conditioning is built in to our data acquisition systems which are LMS (now Siemens) Test.Lab SCADAS portable acquisition systems that run their Test.Lab software packages. Usually we're taking 16-40...
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    Spread Sheet: How far away can this gun be heard?

    Nice work - here is another free site that would work well for this and adds google map overlays: I've used this one for a few environmental noise studies in the past and it does have a factor you can adjust for ground cover / surface absorption. I haven't gone...
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    Digital Sound Level Meters Setup and Testing

    Hello - this will be my first post here but I'm a noise and vibration engineer by trade and have 20+ years of experience with various sound level meters so I can answer your questions. (which are good questions by the way) 1) What distance? Totally up to you. SAE standards for measuring...