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  1. J

    [WTS] Air Venturi 4500 psi 74 CF Tank and regulator $425

    I added Belleville washers to bring it up so it will fill to 250 Bar. They can easily be changed to suit whatever pressure you want to regulate it too. I also upgraded the line from the one that came with it. I bought this new from Pyramid Air. The regulator was at 2900 PSI for the Marauder but...
  2. J

    [WTS] Air Venturi 4500 psi 74 CF Tank and regulator

    I bought this new from Pyramid Air. The regulator was at 2900 PSI for the Marauder but I added Belleville washers to bring it up so it will fill to 250 Bar. They can easily be changed to suit whatever pressure you want to regulate it too. I also upgraded the line from the one that came with...
  3. J

    " Graphic " Strange tumor / growth found skinning a squirrel

    I waited too long in this cold and had a heck of a time skinning him ( had hair all over the place) and while I haven't skinned many males this one was just odd and grossed me out. Has anyone seen one like this? 
  4. J

    If we need to test and make our own trajectory chart why use Strelok?

    I have been beating my head against the wall trying to get all of the numbers to match, looking into multi B.C etc. It kinda just hit me that if really all I do is 100 yards are less. why am I even using strelok? At the end of the day if 30y=0,50y=7,75y=24,100y=45 Why would I even need the...
  5. J

    Father and Son Squirrel cleaning time lapse

    It is my first attempt at doing something like this with a go pro so I didn't catch as much detail as I wanted but all in all, it came out better than I expected. I may slow down the time-lapse next time. It was also limiting me to 60 seconds when adding music so I had to cut it a little...
  6. J

    B.C of Hades .25 .026 ?

    I am trying to get Strelok updated with the Hades. It does not appear to correlate to what I am seeing but I am not sure about the exact procedure to verify myself.
  7. J

    Does "only kill what you will eat " include feeding your dog?

     I have about 15 acres of woods and an abundance of squirrels. I have taken out about a dozen of them and have gotten much better about skinning them and getting more and more meat off of them. I have tried frying them, pressure cooking, pressure cooking and frying etc etc. I just can't get...
  8. J

    Has anyone regretted the phone side shot and changed to the go pro?

    Don't get me wrong, with the fimic app it is good on my XS max. The problem I have is ease/quickness of use. If I hop out of bed and see a chipmunk or squirrel I have to make a decision as to if I want to load the phone, focus, get the lighting right and then record a shot. Often times I would...