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  1. onegoodtrick

    Carbon Fiber Air Tank Liter to Cubic Feet Conversion

    much appreciated - thank you for taking the time,very handy quick reference - well done
  2. onegoodtrick

    Just trying to upload a photo of my MAC1 USFT

    woah nelly - there's just coolishness flowing from every pore - so rock'n - well done 
  3. onegoodtrick

    Whats wrong the HW's and AA's...??

    nothing - not a thing - buy the ticket,take the gotta be there to know
  4. onegoodtrick

    Theobin MFR Modifications

    when airgun advice forum / rapid mods comes to mind,both my brain cells tell me 220swift,but i've slept since then - cheers
  5. onegoodtrick

    Edgun R5M. 25 2 month update

    stellar wood on both - oh my - and bugholes to boot - what's not to like - cheers
  6. onegoodtrick

    Built another Pellet Trap

    well done - very well done
  7. onegoodtrick

    Hand Pumps

    well played indeed - good show
  8. onegoodtrick

    Anything better than donnyfl

    yes,thank you - if you would please,post back to this thread if you do decide to give the emperor a go, as i have been considering the same route - i've now run through a tatsu , currently a ronin, on what is in use a condor karbine = talonp - condor 22/25 extreme hi flo 490 spinlock...
  9. onegoodtrick

    FX Impact MK2 pellet probe problem

    sixtyfive minute response time - well done jon - impressive cs - cheers
  10. onegoodtrick

    Major problems with the FX MK11 Wildcat

    much appreciation for taking the time to post this valuable primary source info. - well done 
  11. onegoodtrick

    Leave it alone? You tell me!

    .....toss it in the bin and start over......seriously,is that a question - superb shooting both man and off
  12. onegoodtrick

    TalonP with Ronin

    yes sir, talonp with a dash of ronin - meat in the pot......consider fx no limits for rings cheers
  13. onegoodtrick

    Walnut meets Impact

    well done