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  1. jdanvers

    RTI P1 Performance, it's 1:32 LR barrel - "light" slugs - anyone had any luck? ( and why do I hate MRD's? )

    Yeah - the slugger discovery was purely accidental too. Readers digest - I bought two barrel kits for it from AOA which are both listed as the older 'Priest' model - one in .22 and the other in .177. ( This was when I still had only one RTI - which was a .25 at the time ) So anyway - I wasn't...
  2. jdanvers

    RTI P1 Performance, it's 1:32 LR barrel - "light" slugs - anyone had any luck? ( and why do I hate MRD's? )

    ...again to shoot / use them and - nope. Who knows - probably just me. Anyway . . . . I've got the subjected gun tuned for them at 955'ish fps and *in calm conditions" and shooting off of a bench - they are pretty darned good. I go out in the field (ie; at my farm permissions, shooting off...
  3. jdanvers

    My longest chuckie yet - 170 yds

    Thanks!! No it did not - according to Strelok it was still packing a punch (41 ft/lbs!) at that distance. I'm guessing (?) it either hit bone and/or expanded some. I only noted blood coming out from the one side as shown in the pic - didn't notice her leaking from anywhere else (exit wound).
  4. jdanvers

    My longest chuckie yet - 170 yds

    This guy (well actually she was a she as it turned out) was *way* out in a field but I had confidence in the rifle as I've shot long with it before. Molly the dog and I were both there at the historical society's range as I was working on another gun sighting it in, dialing in a tune for .22...
  5. jdanvers

    Family of woodchucks discovered - popped one and then . . . poof! The corpse disappeared (?)

    Hey there guys . . . readers digest - I got a call from a neighbor re: chuckie having setup residence underneath his workshop. Sure enough s/he's a biggun'! I wasn't able to get it (him/her) on that particular day - never re-appeared. I went back there today though and "whoa . . . ...
  6. jdanvers

    I won a couple of bucks from a lottery ticket and it burned a hole in my pocket . . . (lol)

    . . . so I bought an Eaglevision "All in one – Muzzle Brake, Air Stripper & Harmonic Barrel Tuner" - this thing: It...
  7. jdanvers

    Tuning I got my new Vulcan 3 500mm in .22 :-)

    Pull the barrel out of it and give it a real good cleaning ...
  8. jdanvers

    Tuning I got my new Vulcan 3 500mm in .22 :-)

    I just recently picked up a V3 in 700 too (.22). I'm not running moderators on either of them, but then again I'm running both of mine quite a bit "less hot" than some of you are. I'm currently burning through a bunch of 18g H&N pellets with the 500 and it shoots them really well out to 85...
  9. jdanvers

    Whats the longest shot youve ever taken and with which airgun

    I smoked a crow out of a tree at one of my farm permissions a year or two ago at 225 yds. .25 RTI with 34g H&N's. Took two shots - first one was just a lob out there to see if I could even get close to them ( there were three or four of them in said tree ). The guy that own the property was...
  10. jdanvers

    Airgun Technologies Slowly but surely getting the V3 700 (.22) tuned

    I *think* I've found / stumbled upon a tune that I can live with. Readers digest - the .2165 & .217 nsa's showed up. The .217's were noticeably "snugger" fitting into the barrel and speed over the chrony reflected that. Set them aside. The .2165's, as kind of expected, did in fact show real...
  11. jdanvers

    Airgun Technologies Slowly but surely getting the V3 700 (.22) tuned

    OK - @igolfat8 and anyone else that may be following this -- admittedly NOT a fair test of the MRD's. I'm trying to conserve air . . . and I still have those two boxes of NSA's coming in ( the .2165 and .217's ) that I want to continue testing with. That said - after the last test with those...
  12. jdanvers

    Airgun Technologies Slowly but surely getting the V3 700 (.22) tuned

    lol -- yeah I can probably do that ( @work right now ). I'll have to turn the hammer spring back and get 'em going 890-900'ish and then see what they do. I'll post a pic in a day or two. ( weather actually decent today and tomorrow )
  13. jdanvers

    Airgun Technologies Slowly but surely getting the V3 700 (.22) tuned

    lol . . . *honestly* -- I truly don't know. ( good question! ) I bought it specifically for a slug shooter and those were the first things I sent through it. Not these current ones - some others - these nsa's have (so far) proven the most promising. . . . maybe I should wing some...
  14. jdanvers

    Airgun Technologies Slowly but surely getting the V3 700 (.22) tuned

    I don't regard it as being very noisy - and yes - moderation built into the shroud. It *is* a bit noisier than some of my other guns but then again some of those are known to be stupid quiet and in one case - MUCH lower in power. ( HW100 .177 that I use for field target . . . lol - that thing...
  15. jdanvers

    Airgun Technologies Slowly but surely getting the V3 700 (.22) tuned

    With work and the weather ( frequently cold, windy and rainy lately ) it's been slow but I'm making some headway. I discovered some .216 NSA 27.5's that I (apparently) didn't have any luck with from some other gun so I figured I'd give them a try. Initial impressions from a week or two ago ( I...
  16. jdanvers

    N/A Huma Regs -- can they handle > 250 bar?

    Thanks guys. @Gerry52 -- I'd go with misunderstanding of the question ( or I didn't phrase the question right? ). Whatever. I thought I'd seen / read someplace (here or on youtube videos?) that the huma's topped out at 250. Obviously not gonna set a reg that high BUT - can the reg tolerate...
  17. jdanvers

    N/A Huma Regs -- can they handle > 250 bar?

    I've got a gun that can handle a 300 bar fill. I don't have a reg tester for the reg that it ships with -- I'm tuning it but . . . guessing with minor incremental changes -- you know - kind of a pia not to mention going through air bleeding it off between changes. I could slap a huma in it...
  18. jdanvers

    Airgun Technologies New AGT magazines?

    Sorry guys - got wicked busy at work and with other stuff - just remembered I had this on my cell phone. Old and new mag. I'm thinking may just fill the #13 hole with epoxy or something that would wind up being relatively solid to make it an auto-stopper like the "good" old ones. Again - it...