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  1. Peashooter

    Epic airguns

    Okay so as some will know i got off on the wrong foot with the Two rifle. But Epic have taken really good care of me, and if there would be anything to complain about, it would be the speed factor, But that is just CUZ i am not a patient guy, and like most i am sure i just want to get on with...
  2. Peashooter

    Epic Epic Airguns Two arrived

    So i was at the range today, and shot for 5 hours strait, and in spite of wind conditions you for sure have to work with or just live with. Well lets just say i feel strongly encouraged here seeing the 13 gr Zan fly well, then 12.5 gr NSA, then 15 gr NSA and 16 gr Zam and finally 20 gr Zan too...
  3. Peashooter

    All Things PARD Night Vision & Thermal Optics Thread

    Sweet. Not much else to do but notify Pard of the issue you still have, and hope they are progressive ( i think its called ) and throw ressources into fixing the problem. In Dashcams, the majority of brands, well you should not expect much from them in the way of product upgrades and support...
  4. Peashooter

    All Things PARD Night Vision & Thermal Optics Thread

    Flashing the same firmware that is already on the device i just mentioned as a way to test if something proven to work would take to the device. But i cant say i have seen a device ( camera ) going to " deny firmware update " or that is i have seen that CUZ some times people can load a wrong...
  5. Peashooter

    All Things PARD Night Vision & Thermal Optics Thread

    You can always try to flash the same firmware you already have on the thing, just to see if that will take, and so things should be sort of alright. Working with dashcam companies i have some times been so deep that i would have to load a boot loader first and then a firmware after that, but...
  6. Peashooter

    All Things PARD Night Vision & Thermal Optics Thread

    Are you sure it is the correct file, i have seen dashcam users pick the wrong firmware file, one belonging to another model, and so the boot loader prevent it from loading.
  7. Peashooter

    All Things PARD Night Vision & Thermal Optics Thread

    are you sure the file is : in its pure form ( some times a firmware come as a ZIP file ) The firmware is the correct name ( in dashcams most often something.bin ) if you have several DL of the file your computer will tag on a (1) suffix and this mean if the file are not the correct name it will...
  8. Peashooter

    Pssst....hey, I just shot a 750. Haha

    I know but look like one i think. And i still like to squeeze off a few with it.:) Actually if it can propel a projectile forward,,,,, i want to try it. From a break barrel to a M134 or worse,,,, im Game.
  9. Peashooter

    Pssst....hey, I just shot a 750. Haha

    I am no fan of rail guns, but there is no arguing about the papers. Even with no other shooter in sight, the way i can pull a #5 shot in a group i am sure i would have fallen apart long before i got anywhere near 750
  10. Peashooter

    Anyone convert FX Impact MK2 .22 calibre to .25 calibre?

    Yeah that's it, though i have also forgotten to mention the obvious, you of course also need a new magazine for the new caliber I run Humas dual flow port and their pin probe in my maverick.
  11. Peashooter

    What is your Favorite Air Tank Range Bag?

    When i hear bag, my grey goo add pack, CUZ if it is just a bag to carry in hand i will be right back where i try to leave ( having both hands full of stuff ) I have found that my DIY backpack while it with ease hold my 9 L bottle and just about everything else i have. Well then it is quite hard...
  12. Peashooter

    Epic Epic Airguns Two arrived

    I amazed too about the little pickup / ruckus about these, just about everything else and PPL are up in arms in one way or another.
  13. Peashooter

    Epic Epic Airguns Two arrived

    Indeed. My LW barrel had a massive 400 mm long choke in the middle of the barrel, what was on either side of that felt OK though, but i think something like that is no good for accuracy in barrel making, if you make a choke it must be at the end of the barrel. My new CZ barrel leave slightly...
  14. Peashooter

    Anyone convert FX Impact MK2 .22 calibre to .25 calibre?

    TBH i would prefer to buy another gun, and i just have, and sold another one. If i went rouge and got a .22 barrel, i dont think what ever rifle i upgraded would ever go back to .177, so it would be like getting a new rifle. No hurry though, the range grow to its max of 130 M this year, and...
  15. Peashooter

    Anyone convert FX Impact MK2 .22 calibre to .25 calibre?

    Those as i understand should do fine for 100 M at least, i would " kill " to be able to shoot something like that now and then.
  16. Peashooter

    Anyone convert FX Impact MK2 .22 calibre to .25 calibre?

    Yeah even if you stay with the same barrel length, there is a few other things you need aside for the barrel " straw " itself. Most will remember to factor in the pellet probe, but the 2 barrel nuts that hold the barrel inside the pipe PPL tend to forget. Also need a new brass part with the...
  17. Peashooter

    Daystate From 60FPE to 30FPE in the blink of an eye!

    Man i wish they would do something about tuning of air rifles, CUZ even if the knobs are right there, it is not just a turn or two on either or both and you are set to go. The unlinking of REG pressure and hammer would fix a lot i assume, but even if that is sort of there in my Epic Two, then it...
  18. Peashooter

    Remember, Commemorate, Honor - Memorial Day 2024

    Well yes. My problem as a outsider however is getting worse and worse, CUZ the ones i owe the most, well sadly there are fewer and fewer of those around, and soon they will all be gone. Precious few people left in the world i would absolutely want to shake hands with if i got the chance. I do...
  19. Peashooter

    What do you shoot

    You can NOT !!!!! shoot that in Denmark CUZ SSP is School - Social workers and Police, a cooperation between these entities made up decades ago to pretend to keep kids out of getting into trouble. It is sort of the East German STASI, just targeting children,,,,,, yes Denmark is a nice place.
  20. Peashooter

    Anyone convert FX Impact MK2 .22 calibre to .25 calibre?

    It is no problem as said. Mind you you also need to replace the " nuts " in the ends of the barrel, CUZ the barrel itself are held in place by those inside the barrel pipe. But of course if you get a complete replacement kit with a whole barrel assembly ready to drop in, well then sure you just...