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  1. AirNGasman

    HFT, Let's get it straight.

    I've read the AAFTA rules many times in the last quarter-century or so. Problem is, they sometimes change. I would say 'evolve', was that not always the right word for it. :unsure: Oh... and that they sometimes change isn't the only problem. In that same last quarter-century I've aged a...
  2. AirNGasman

    Ozzy shooting pcps

    I've taken trips like that. The LAST landed me in the Fort Worth jail in 1972. I credit it for never, EVER going back to jail again.
  3. AirNGasman

    HFT, Let's get it straight.

    Sensitivities it is, then!
  4. AirNGasman

    HFT, Let's get it straight.

    I was involved in nomenclature discussions about what was decided to be Open class. At least one went something like this- "How about American?" "No. That sounds too nationalistic." "How about Unlimited?" "No. Can't do that since it isn't. No buckets, bipods or girdles allowed." "How about...
  5. AirNGasman

    Thoughts on a pistol for EFT

    No, I'm not going to bother to explain it. However I will gift you with a clue. I have explained MANY times on this forum not only how the Pistol Field Target rules were born and the reasoning behind several that have been questioned, but also how Pistol Field Target competition was born. So...
  6. AirNGasman

    100 yd pcp bottle gun

    No need for shouting. Your post is worthwhile enough to not benefit from shouting. (y)
  7. AirNGasman

    HFT, Let's get it straight.

    A longtime friend has taken offense at my calling my AAFTA style matches exactly that in order to accurately describe them, yet allow a little wiggle-room to deviate from the 30+ page AAFTA rulebook. In deference to our friendship I take no offense to his request, and will honor it. I...
  8. AirNGasman

    Thoughts on a pistol for EFT

    You should have put that IMHO closing first in your post in order to avoid the individual most responsible for all pistol FT rules informing you you're wrong. The 3" rule makes more sense than some other PFT rules; which is to say SOME sense. But since you were excluded from the many months of...
  9. AirNGasman

    HFT, Let's get it straight.

    Yes. Although the term 'Hunter' might offend some politically-correct sensibilities when used in the context of American Field Target, who cares? In fact, GOOD! The overly politically-correct need to be offended; they actually live for it. I'm not just happy to oblige, but have come to enjoy...
  10. AirNGasman

    Ozzy shooting pcps

    He's a lot morer normaler than most airgunners. And morer eloquenter, two! Ask me hoe I no. 🤤 .
  11. AirNGasman

    Does anybody no anything about this air rifle?

    It's an Olympia-branded Something, that someone installed a Browning butt-plate on.
  12. AirNGasman

    100 yd pcp bottle gun

    Not at all unusual in posts asking for recommendations, your stated requisites severely limit your choices; almost to the point of virtually no choices actually fulfilling all requisites. PCPs that can consistently AVERAGE sub-1" groups at 100 yards are extremely rare at any price; much less...
  13. AirNGasman

    Curiosity question

    Good!🫣 I've been losing sleep from fever-dreams🥵 that, for once, you might actually read one of my posts.😬 But FYI and FWIW, there's nothing in that post that might interest you anyway. 🤥 🫣 .
  14. AirNGasman

    Curiosity question

    Believe it or not, and I do realize how difficult it is to believe anything I say or keyboard, once again there was a method to my madness.🤪 Since the OP specifically referenced AAFTA classes in his OP, my bloviation specifically targeted AAFTA shooters. I figured there was no need to suck...
  15. AirNGasman

    Curiosity question

    Scotton is the only one I know of in North and central Texas. But you can't swing a dead cat without whacking several Red Wolf shooters; mostly in Hunter. Being a hunter myself, and often besieged by feral cats and resultant vet bills for Whiskers, I keep several frozen cats in inventory at any...
  16. AirNGasman

    Where to sell a FWB 103

    I believe PayPal sees what buyers post in the comments field of purchases, so I ALWAYS instruct airgun buyers to never mention anything that in any way can be construed by ignorants as GUN!:eek: in their PP purchase comments. When it comes to GUNS!🤯, ignorants don't distinguish airguns from...
  17. AirNGasman

    A clubs’ work is never done. Always room for improvements

    I can't imagine what ON EARTH you mean by "always room for improvements" of an FT venue, Dave.:unsure: Users/owner/Desktop/ You mean, like... a frozen-margarita machine? .
  18. AirNGasman

    Air Arms Mk1 or mk2 stock refinish!!

    Excellent work, Dean! Nice TX.
  19. AirNGasman

    Reward for the medal positions in the competitions

    Oh... bust my bubble.🥹 Until reading the post, I was mistaken that the reward for the medal positions in the competitions were the nice medals pictured. Those are NICE!
  20. AirNGasman

    Air Arms Mk1 or mk2 stock refinish!!

    Many struggle to see things I see, T; so don't feel bad. But to put it into some perspective, many unfortunate enough to know me have heard my too-many credos, too often. This is the pertinent credo- "Believe it or not, there are methods to my madnesses."🤪 I only wish I could package...