Hello, thank you for letting in this group! I am a rathunter (almost 60 years old) in the Netherlands living in the northern parts called Friesland. My main proffesion is a hooftrimmer with the cows. There are a lot agriculture farms were i doing pestcontrol such as rathunting and pigeons. I am shooting yearly about 800 rats with my 2 pcp rifles namely a fx impact mk2 .22 with a Pard ds 35 -50 nightvision scope and one fx impact m3 .25 with a thermal scope from hikmicro a panther pq 35 2.0. Also i am getting a Urugan two .22 for schooting slugs! I hope to learn here (shootings slugs) on this forum!
Greetings Rathunter
Greetings Rathunter
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