Goodwill donation

Not the organization, just personally donating to an organization that introduces air guns to kids in a situation that has a minimal cash position. How’s that for elite level BS! lol! Seriously, I had a Diana bandit listed, and dropped the price so much, still no takers, so I thought “hell, I’ll just give it to a kid that will love it . So I contacted one eye joe, for his name - flat broke airgunner. He has a cool mission. So I said eff it. I’m donating. Sorry for the rambling, tough work day to end my 40.
Giving is awesome!


But finding someone who appreciates it is the trick.

Very good deed wouldn't change a thing. Only bought two things from Classifieds, both from you, items like new, packaging exemplary, savings substantial. Hardly check Classifieds anymore, PM me if in a similar situation, your stuff is ALWAYS worth considering. WM
I’m still waiting on the privilege to view the Classifieds 😀