Recent content by WOW

  1. WOW

    N/A Who's Casting or Wants to Learn?

    Fantastic thread. I see my question about slag was previously answered.
  2. WOW

    N/A Who's Casting or Wants to Learn?

    I'm almost there. I don't have the equipment but do have questions. Does the powder coat prevent recycling the metal repeatedly? Or is it a slag thats removed cleanly during the melt? Does anyone have a link to a casting equipment build, or better yet, does anyone have spare equipment? A...
  3. WOW

    Hatsan Jet 1 cyl. port thread

    Whats the thread spec for the female threading inside the Hatsan Jet 1 cylinder, outlet port side?
  4. WOW


    Removed for fear of trolls and their b.s..