Recent content by Windmeister

  1. Windmeister

    The Windmeister T1 have been Launched !!!

    You might have heard of or not, I've kept it on the downlow a little while since I needed to work out some kinks, production processes and such. But finally it's here for everyone to enjoy. It is primarily a tool for shooters who are chasing the...
  2. Windmeister

    Trident moderator (by Ramus Technology)

    RT means Not Realtime, but the sound is the actual sound in actual time. Not slow motion sound.
  3. Windmeister

    Trident moderator (by Ramus Technology)

    Ramus Technologies is part of Paradox Ventures. They are working on releasing a new site late this week or early next week. You will also be able to purchase these at Utah Airguns, and other places very soon. Also the outter design have been updated on the REVII...
  4. Windmeister

    Trident moderator (by Ramus Technology)

    Good stuff Erik!
  5. Windmeister


    I don't know which lane Irwin was in, but we had silly strong head wind, which meant that any lane the left or right of the center 10 lanes, would be an absolute bear to shoot in. Not trying to take away anything from anyone, they where the elite during qualifying so much kudos to all the...
  6. Windmeister


    Like was said earlier, gun, scope and ammo choice was secondary to conditions on Sunday. Lane selection and patience won the day.
  7. Windmeister

    Which long range scope for RAW. 30?

    The MTC Viper Pro is another decently priced, but very good long range scope. Super nice reticle and glass clarity, and too boot a geared elevation turret.
  8. Windmeister

    Broom Pusher's Words Never Die

    Yes, wind early in the trajectory always have more effect on POI than wind later on. As pointed out, obstructions or structures causing eddies and wind shear can cause uncommon trajectory effects as compared to normal wind. The other two variants that will be hard to judge is tail/head wind, and...
  9. Windmeister

    Impact probe screw failure & solution

One issue is the shear size of the recall vs. the risk. For a small company like FX, a lawsuit after a serious incident where someone lost their sight, or hearing, or similar, would be in the million dollar range, peanuts for GM, major concern for FX. Ps. I am not saying this have happened...
  10. Windmeister

    Impact probe screw failure & solution

    I think there is still some uncertainty about this. First, don not confuse the current issue with the old issue (setscrew getting loose, which can happen, no biggie, just a hassle) Current issue, and a lot more serious is the complete failure of a primary safety function. This failure seems to...
  11. Windmeister

    Impact probe screw failure & solution

    My guess is that they don't "know" pr. ce. (trying to fix the shearing problem) but use what they can get their hands on to replace ones that are messed up due to users using it.
  12. Windmeister

    Impact probe screw failure & solution

    Obviously a loose screw have less strength than a tight torqued one. But lets examine the use of the two examples. In the lug nut scenario, the thing that holds your wheel on is the clamping force and resulting friction. On the rifle the grub screw is acting like a removable stop pin, and will...
  13. Windmeister

    Impact probe screw failure & solution

    As I said in my post, the Loctite cures the unscrewing of the grub screw which in itself is not a big safety issue, since, as someone said before, you cannot cock the gun with it halfway out due to tight tolerances. However, Loctite is not a fix for bolt/grubscrew shearing due to for instance...
  14. Windmeister

    Impact probe screw failure & solution

You should be very careful suggesting a fix before knowing what caused the shear really is. Using loctite or other means to make sure the screw doesn't come loose might just postpone the real issue and only solve the (unscrewing) The constant back blows to this item, could weaken the setscrew...
  15. Windmeister

    Impact probe screw failure & solution

    Good and responsible of AOA, Kip is a cool fish, and take safety serious. A little tip to anyone not familiar with engineering. In an instance where you have a bolt shear in a highly volatile situation, and the bolt itself is the safety precaution. You have a serious safety hazard on your hands...