Recent content by rmoreno6014

  1. R

    New metal AEA HP SS magazine received

    Hey Squirrel, Lucky You!!! God, I would love to get my hands on one of your metal magazines you got! I believe the attached link you provided took me to Survival Airguns. To my disappointment, either they no longer carry them, or they've been out of stock for some time now. I have been...
  2. R

    New metal AEA HP SS magazine received

    I too have had problems with the AEA HP SS Semi Auto magazines. NO problems with my AEA HP ss Max. Those mags are fine. I think the majority of the complaints are with the Semi Auto version of this gun. I have read over and over numerous complaints about the exact same thing with these...
  3. R

    Hatsun Flash

    My Hatsun flashpup has that same cocking problem. Its stiff as hell. Its exremely tough to cock this lever. Will it smooth out for me as well??
  4. R

    Hatsun Flash

    Just got my Hatsun flashpup QE synthetic stock .22 cal. This gun is amazing. out the box it shot an average of 940 F.P.S on my Chrony. The power and velocity is awesome. The only grip I have is the cocking lever. This cocking lever is so hard to pull back to charge the gun. I cant believe...