Recent content by Piloto

  1. Piloto

    Weihrauch HW100 .177cal

    I agree. I have the HW100 carbine in .22 . My ONLY complaint on the rifle is the weight. I have a 1000 yard reach powder burner with scope that weighs less... I'm still debating selling the HW100 for something as good or better, but only lighter that I could carry around better... The Edgun...
  2. Piloto

    Is there a "Goldilocks" PCP for me?

    ^^^ Thank you!! I'm really liking this and the M3. The Brocock is still in the running, but not as much. Either are more than I'll probably every need, but I always like to over-engineer rather than under. Better to have and not need, than to ever need and not have... Thanks everyone. I'm not...
  3. Piloto

    Is there a "Goldilocks" PCP for me?

    I'm liking that Edgun, but it looks like a PITA to load having to break it open, then putting a retainer over the magazine also... I keep coming back to this. How durable is the mechanism where the seals "re-dock" after closing it up? Seems like an additional failure point. Am I missing something.
  4. Piloto

    Is there a "Goldilocks" PCP for me?

    Y'all are awesome. Thank you. I'm going to do a lot of homework.I have a lot more options now. I just wish AoA would let you shoot something before buying it. My powder burner range will let you rent something to see if you like it... A rental and one box of ammo usually does the trick. Know...
  5. Piloto

    Is there a "Goldilocks" PCP for me?

    Meaning, not too small, not too big, but just right. I can only have ONE. Yes, the sickness is setting in. I am old to air guns but new to PCPs. After shooting everything BUT PCPs for 40+ years, I finally took the plunge this year. I have a Weihrauch HW100 thumb-hole carbine in .22 and...
  6. Piloto

    Culling Chickens in Hawaii

    I used to live there. Almost everything regarding flying projectiles in Hawaii is either outright illegal, or highly regulated. There is good hunting, but everything has to be permitted. I believe the chickens are regarded like cows in India. I would not advise shooting at them. I remember a...
  7. Piloto

    For Members Complaining of Not Being Able to Find Pellets….

    All good! Back at you as I probably misread the intent. Sorry. That's too easy on a forum. I've been on forums since Al Gore invented them. I should have known better. My bad. Y'all take care and shoot straight.
  8. Piloto

    For Members Complaining of Not Being Able to Find Pellets….

    ^^^ THANK YOU! Advice taken.
  9. Piloto

    For Members Complaining of Not Being Able to Find Pellets….

    OK... We may be missing each others intentions. If I am misunderstanding you, I'M SORRY. Seems though I just made a comment and was getting criticized for stating it. This IS the internet though. It's EASY to miss what people are trying to say. Perhaps that's what I did. I'm a big boy with good...
  10. Piloto

    For Members Complaining of Not Being Able to Find Pellets….

    ^^^ Shooting the messenger will not help your cause. I'm just getting into the hobby and needed a couple tins. I just picked up a couple. The title of the thread is about complaining, so let me not interrupt... Back to your complaining.
  11. Piloto

    For Members Complaining of Not Being Able to Find Pellets….

    .22 in stock. THANK YOU! FYI... I "used" to competition shoot powder burners. I am seeing the same trend now with pellets as I did with powdered stuff in 2020. Get it while you can, the price is going to keep going up. This will cause more panic buying, which will drive the price up and...
  12. Piloto

    Air guns and veterans.

    Yes, very therapeutic. As someone else said, it’s even better if you can legally do it on your own property as opposed to going to the range. 
  13. Piloto

    There IS a dark side:

    ^^^ Yeah, Daystate, FX and Edgun have my attention. Give me a few years, sooner if I wear out the HW100. That said, OMG... Holy Crap! Up until today, the furthest I've ever landed a pellet on an actual small target has been roughly 35 yards. So, I drove out to the country today and tried 50...
  14. Piloto

    There IS a dark side:

    And I have found it. Greetings. I have been shooting powder burners and airguns my entire life. From the air side, I started out with the Daisy like all kids did in the 60s. I graduated to a Crossman 760 pump where I learned to shoot the balls of of a fly at 25 yards. I then kept a 1377 with...