Recent content by one1bird

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    Check out this little rig

    Keep up the good work. One less furry tail rat. what pellet?
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    DonnyFl SkinnyBoy 1.0

    Nice work. Do you know what db you brought it down to?
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    Best Quick Optics

    Guess my next question should be Which red dot?
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    Recommend me a scope

    Had not Ad sorry
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    Recommend me a scope

    I would second the BSA for the money. Ad the same issue with the game I bought and the BSA is what I bought.
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    Huben The GK1 has ruined me...

    Time to start negotiating with Mrs Claus
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    Extreme Prejudice

    G should be get sorry
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    Extreme Prejudice

    .30 is a bit much for a tweety bird but it certainly will g the job done. Coon should be no problem.
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    Another big coon 30 lbs

    Nice .What pellet weight?
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    Squirrels 🐿️ better look 👀 out

    You are a lucky granddad. My granddaughter refuses to shoot until they do something wrong. Like steal bird food then it’s lights out. I stock the bird feeder daily just for her.LOL
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    What's your favorite squirrel shot?

    Head shot but sometimes they do not cooperate so lung is second choice.
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    Best Camera for Live on Target Results

    Longshot marksman
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    Best Quick Optics

    pistol Red dot might work ???
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    Show me your barrel "harmonic" tuners

    There’s pretty then there’s pretty quiet
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    N/A What is the most worldwide spread airgun?

    Are you making those stocks? That is some really nice work.