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  • I guess this is the best place to put this. Initially I thought I wanted to make and sell moderators as a "side hustle" but I have figured out that I don't really want to do that. I mentioned it in the forums a couple of times though and so now I need to write this.

    I don't take "orders" for the moderators I build because I'm not really in the business of selling moderators. I am experimenting and taking orders gets in the way of that process. What I do is list moderators in the classifieds which turned out well, which have been tested and which have brought a smile to the faces of the guys who shoot them. I build them and then I list them in the classifieds after I am done experimenting with them.

    Sometimes when I need supplies I build a lot of three or four tried and true tested models which I KNOW work well and put them up in the classifieds. The "Ember" is one such design. Those are no longer in testing. If you see me list any of those in the classifieds they are new.

    I hope that helps folks who are asking in the public forums how to get one of my moderators. Please watch the classifieds if you are looking for something. If you want something special (larger caliber, higher energy, odd thread patterns) then send me a note telling me why you think I should build one of those and I'll talk with you about it.

    Thanks guys, I appreciate your patience.
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