Recent content by klripper

  1. K

    [WTS] DonnyFl Ronin .25 and .30 calibers

    I have both a .25 and .30 caliber DonnyFl Ronin moderators to sell or trade. Sell price is $150 each. Trade one or the other for .25 caliber DonnyFl Koi moderator 1/2x20 end cap in like condition. Descriptions below. -.25 caliber with 1/2x20 female threaded end cap. This one was used on .22...
  2. K

    Watch & Discuss the EDgun Matador R5M !!!

    I love these Edgun's. Really had my eye on the .25 Lelya, but the Matador is a close second.
  3. K

    WIN an EDgun Matador R5M !!!

  4. K


    Thanks again for your efforts with the Yong Hen. I have completed the project to install my home workshop 90 psi compressor as a booster pump to the first stage. I have regulated the 90 psi down to 5 psi to the YH 1st stage inlet. My goal is simply providing dryer air to the YH. This works very...
  5. K

    Yong Heng 1st stage inlet air pressure

    Thank you prfssrlee. Your post was exactly the thread I was searching for before posting this one. I have already ordered a replacement second stage piston and rings. I am very interested in your results with vfd and reduced motor speed. My intent was not to decrease fill times but just provide...
  6. K

    Yong Heng 1st stage inlet air pressure

    Thanks for the quick responses. I have ordered a 1/4" mbspp x hose barb fitting and a regulator to output 15 psi clean dry air to the yong heng 1st stage inlet. I will provide an update and material list when I get this setup running. Happy shooting!
  7. K

    Yong Heng 1st stage inlet air pressure

    I have a Yong Heng compressor. I also have a shop compressor outputting 90 psi. I am considering hooking my shop compressor outlet to the Yong Heng first stage inlet to supply drier air to the 1st stage of the yong heng. I will attach a drier and filter to my shop compressor outlet. This setup...
  8. K

    WIN an FX Dreamline and more!!

  9. K

    Watch & Discuss the FX Dreamline!!

    Great review. I have been waiting for a bigger splash on the FX Dreamline. I love the Classic with the laminated stock.❤
  10. K

    "Dreaming" of a Dreamline ;)

    Sweet. Put me in for the Classic. It is the Dreamline after all, I will order the Dream Pup platform later.