Recent content by JRisBundyboyz

  1. JRisBundyboyz

    RMAC 2021 - Hyperlinks to All the Content!

    How about daily recap or results for today? Wondering how benchrest, and the rest is going. I know y’all are having a ball, someone should be sober enough to get results posted :-) 
  2. JRisBundyboyz

    Should you sort pellets? (the final answer)

    Donnie you have opened a can of worms and have stated some pretty strong statements. But no Evidence. Let’s see the target. Bob Stern has stated that a 20 FPS variance has no bearing on accuracy. He didn’t qualify the range. So maybe that’s what you need to do. dollars to donuts...
  3. JRisBundyboyz

    A High-Tech Brain - Daystate

    It’s like running a sub 12 impact. It’s not what it’s supposed to do. ive seen some wild accuracy at 50 100 with .177 DW shooting slugs but 40 FPE won’t fly in FT
  4. JRisBundyboyz

    Thinking of buying a Benjamin maximus? You'd better read this.

    Gamo urban all day if you catch them for 200 don’t hesitate. It’s nice to see a new owner excited but spread of 19 in ten shots ain’t horrible but once you cross a spread of 20 POI will change albeit you’d need to shoot past 10 yards. I may point my younger brother to this rifle he didn’t...
  5. JRisBundyboyz

    I wonder what happened with the Benjamin Rogue...

    That thing is a beauty and a great buy. It was ahead of its time for sure but if they released an updated version it would sell out quickly. Their néw rifles with the krale stocks akela cayden however you spell it all 3 have been pretty solid rifles. bring back the rouge! 
  6. JRisBundyboyz

    Stock mounted bottle PRod

    I was always looking to modify gauntlet it’s same as QB for most part and if I remember drop block price was 15 bucks but it’s awfully cumbersome design in my opinion. the prods above look great I’d like to make a prod with plenum and buddy bottle. 
  7. JRisBundyboyz

    Just wanted to share my katran .22 in (LB) pictures, (UPDATES)

    That Katran is a nice piece of kit. I liked Steve’s review at AEAC
  8. JRisBundyboyz

    Has anyone ever ordered from Krale?

    5 maybe 6 days guy at work got rifle in MD from Krale we were surprised how quickly it arrived. 
  9. JRisBundyboyz

    Retailers on the east coast

    Lethal air is the answer in VA. Chad is stand up guy
  10. JRisBundyboyz

    Talon Tunes

    Tony has been involved too long to play games enjoy the rifle
  11. JRisBundyboyz

    Events Utah air gun

    I didn’t realize it was August, I’m excited to see coverage guys have had a lot practice time. It was a shame Pyramid cup cancelled, I get it but at the same time don’t. 
  12. JRisBundyboyz

    Pocket sized powerhouse

    What’s your FPE and distance requirements? 
  13. JRisBundyboyz

    Hatsan Factor shooter 1721

    Man I’ve been waiting to see a stateside review of the Hatsan Factor. And my neighbor to the North Rick Rehm has got one to test. I’ve been talking and looking into this rifle for 6 months maybe more. So many visits to krale shop, but never a word out of HatsanUSA. I wanted bigger power...
  14. JRisBundyboyz

    Tuning Wish me luck

    Photos are always a good reference as YouTube can only take you so far. What is it 34 o rings if you count them all