Recent content by ghoststalker

  1. G

    Cat ate my ammo?

    We did the same thing, didn't know any different back then.
  2. G

    Accessories Blue laminate matador R5M long stock

    I bought this stock some time back with the thought of buying a R5M ( and I like blue laminate sticks but they are not offered any longer) after having to deal with the guy at edgun west ( Brian I believe) , it ain’t going to happen. I had a guy that refinishes furniture refinish it. 250.00 or...
  3. G

    Any Custom Knife Maker Recommendations?

    If your looking for a knife that's also a work of art. Check out chops knives. He makes some gorgeous knives. He's on face book also, I believe.
  4. G

    🔘 How do YOU define what HUNTING is?

    I would say it's a means of gathering a food source. Many possibilities of how you can go about obtaining the protein.
  5. G

    When do you start to get annoyed by a leak on your gun?

    Got rid of mine, for the exact same reason. Thing seem to always leak. Pissed me off constantly, to the point i hated that rifle !
  6. G

    Rabbit Taste Differences?

    Sounds kinda racist, don't it ? Lol
  7. G

    N/A Thoughts for airguns coming 2024?

    Agree, no need for a semi auto air rifle( any air rifle) to look like an AR. Many somewhat resemble them now, especially to the " hater" folks. Just going to draw unwanted, unneeded attention.
  8. G

    Best feed for squirrel feeder?

    Lead, in the form of pellets or slugs. They are to die for, squirrels love um.
  9. G

    Just curious…..

    Possibly lead from blow back of the pellets. That would be my 1st guess.
  10. G

    Hawke Optics: Are the you kidding me? UPDATE-UPDATE-UPDATE

    That's crazy good service, especially now days. I have a couple Hawke scopes, and really good to hear they took care of you, above and beyond what should be expected !
  11. G


    I am a sucker for blue laminated stocks, but that there don't catch my fancy. Thank God.
  12. G

    Wife said I think you have a problem

    Holy Molly , that would last me over a 100 life times, easily!
  13. G

    Has anyone ordered Immersive Optics 14 X 50 from Sports And outdoors - Enrils?

    Just wondering what is so good about these scopes ? I can't imagine not finding something else that is in "normal use". And avaliable from more places then just one or two. I wouldn't even consider ordering one. But that's just me.
  14. G

    The AGT Vulcan 3 with long-range chassis is 🔥🔥🔥

    Boy that don't even resemble a Vulcan 3. Hope it shoots better then it looks.
  15. G

    Talon Tunes - A Different Experience

    I purchased else where, after reading similar experiences and due to advice I received. Don’t worry about it, glad to hear he did make it right for you. At least it sounds like he did.