Recent content by evilwerkz

  1. E

    Look what UPS delivered today.

    Very, very nice, you will enjoy such beauty
  2. E

    Just saying Hello from Baja.....

    Thank you all for the warm welcome and greetings, regarding Air guns in Mexico in general, by Law, they are not treated as Fire Arms, they are not illegal, and I even imported from USA both of the Air rifles I own, as long as you use common sense ( don't be flaunting them on the streets ), there...
  3. E

    Welcome to AIRGUN NATION - please introduce yourself here!

    Hi, I'm Donovan, from Tijuana, complete PCP noob :oops:
  4. E

    Is this even real?

    If its too good to be true......well, buy something and let us know J/K :eek:
  5. E

    Just saying Hello from Baja.....

    Hi guys, new PCP enthusiast from south of the border, Tijuana to be exact, just exited to be here, seems like a great community from what I read so far