Recent content by Dyn11

  1. Dyn11

    Taipan Vets offhand?

    I shoot my Vet offhand, and the rear lever problem is solved for me. Heavy set, but I'm strong so it's easy for me with one hour sessions no more
  2. Dyn11

    Tuning Taipan Veteran, something different

    Thank you all, it's a pleasure to share... About Taipan, if one day a new version arrives I would like its price to remain contained. Reputation isn't everything.
  3. Dyn11

    Tuning Taipan Veteran, something different

    Hi from France, this is my first post but i've been watching here since 2016. I bought this .22 VET in 2018 at Balistas (CZ), I quickly understood the quality and performance of this gun. I also looked for how to adjust the cocking lever system to my preference, with a very low weight, and...