Recent content by Doc C.

  1. Doc C.

    Protected Migratory Bird List ... Common Grackle & ?

    I know it is state specific, but with written permission from rancher or farmer you can use their depredation permit and status to do pesting on that property. A predator permit for carnivores is available for the asking from game and fish. This permit allows shooting predators on property...
  2. Doc C.

    Hello from The Netherlands

    welcome. Nice rifle. We are glad to have you. Doc
  3. Doc C.

    My first rats with the Zulus 5x-20x

    nice shooting. I am glad you got to take it out for a few laps. I am hoping to get mine soon. I will be picking your brain for info. very new to this type of scope and shooting. doc
  4. Doc C.

    Female house sparrow

    i have the Merlin app from Cornell as well. This is a very handy tool to have handy. Just a few quick descriptors and it will identify the birds you are seeing. It gives you several options. I have only used the sound ID once or twice. Be sure to donate a little to the university if you do...
  5. Doc C.

    Few more rats( video) last night with my .22 BRK GHOST HP.

    nicely done. good shooting, quick clean, concise. Doc
  6. Doc C.

    First House Sparrow of 2024

    nice shooting. doc
  7. Doc C.

    Old but Gold

    plus one. my go to squirrel rifle.
  8. Doc C.

    Another big coon 30 lbs

    Well done. Bandit down. Doc
  9. Doc C.

    What's your favorite squirrel shot?

    In my youth living in this area, there was primarily nothing but big red squirrels. Easy to stalk and once you found one they were very obliging and would freeze on a branch or trunk and allow you time to take that head\spine shot. Great fun!! Fast forward 45 years, when I returned to retire...
  10. Doc C.

    Smacking a few house Sparrows

    well done. nice shootin! Doc
  11. Doc C.

    Ground Snowshoe tacos.

    two proud hunters. Nice work. I have never hunted them. It seems like it would be fun. Thanks for sharing. doc
  12. Doc C.

    I can post my misses too! LOL

    Close shave for sure. Better luck........ doc
  13. Doc C.

    Quickie hunt for some Euros

    nice shooting. Glad you could get out and shoot, even a little. Couple of dove breast, with a fried egg and toast. yum. good hunting Doc
  14. Doc C.

    AEA 95 Caliber Zeus

    I would almost buy one and charge guys at the range to shoot it. My .45 Bushbuck draws quite a crowd when I break it out. I can only imagine what this monster would do. What would you use to fill it anyway? Doc