Recent content by depelletizer

  1. D

    Pre-Ordered FX Wildcat Distribution

    Hey you guys, I got a call today, Jun 3th from our friends over at AoA. My .25 cal. Wildcat is coming home with a Mamba Lite 3-12 scope. FWIW, I pre-ordered Apr 9th and I was number 30 something. Oh yah.... Good luck all fellow contestants... John
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    Pre-Ordered FX Wildcat Distribution

    SplatSteel, Comparing air rifles with something that's at least 20 times more expensive is just a bit flawed, but I understand what you mean. I wouldn't be happy if a dealership pulled a fast one on me, they definitely would loose my business...permanently. There are a lot more dealerships out...
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    Pre-Ordered FX Wildcat Distribution

    My 2c... I've pre-ordered a .25 cal. Wildcat beginning of April and I hope I will get mine out of the first shipment. However it's the sole discretion of AoA to determine the procedure who gets what based on order date and any other business criteria they would like to employ keeping customer...