Recent content by dathom56

  1. D

    New to airguns

    Hard to go wrong with a .22 Marauder. Simple, quiet,and accurate. Careful though they are addicting.
  2. D

    New backstop

    Nice,, Looks good. Would be neat to see a follow up post with all the dents/holes after a few weeks of shooting.
  3. D

    Taking Responsibility when Hooking Your Friends on Air Guns

    They kinda sell themselves though right? My brother and his hunting partner swore they would never spent $500 on an air rifle. After a few airgun squirrel hunts they both own multiple FX's. 
  4. D

    Airgunus is a fraud. Do not try to buy anything. They scammed me and PayPal.

    Sad when supplies are so hard to come by and people take advantage. Thanks for the heads up..
  5. D

    New member just saying Hi!

    Welcome,,,,,Glad I am not the only one with the illness.
  6. D

    Feedback Tominco A+ Seller

    Tominco super easy to purchase from. Fast shipping.