Recent content by Cmacc

  1. C

    Weihrauch beech stock maintenance

    Are you talking about this product? My wife uses this on everything.
  2. C

    Huntsman on safari

    I really like that stock. Looks good. Nice shooting.
  3. C

    Air Venturi Avenge-X (New Modular PCP) - $499

    I’ve been reading and watching on this release of the Avenge-X PCP. I noticed this recent story by HAM from the IWA show that features the designer of the gun. They include a photo of him holding “his favorite version”. Notice in the photo he is holding a version with a very “normal” looking...
  4. C

    What is your favorite rust prevention cleaner?

    I’m just a lurker here and thinking of getting into the AG game. On my PBs I’ve used nothing but Break Free CLP for years. Place I used to work used it. On firearms it’s good for (C)lean, (L)ube, (P)rotect. Good enough for the US military and NATO, good enough for me.
  5. C

    PCP or springer for SHTF ???

    People always ask about guns/ammo for SHTF but have no contingency for water, fuel, currency, food, medical/first aid training, medications, etc.