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  • I hate the management here.
    If you READ the site RULES, understood them you would not be having these issues. This is a PRIVATE owned web site and we members are guests that are allowed to talk & converse, barter and sell so long as within the established rules you agreed to when signing up. I'm by no miens the site police but do understand pretty much what WILL or WON'T be tolerated. So with that said .. good luck.
    I understand that. Admittedly, I never even read the rules, just signed up with the common sense of things that aren't tolerated like picking fights and other common sense things. Then I find out that it's forbidden to even mention powder burners or ask the legality of suppressors, etc... Just seems stupid and I have a problem with over stretching rules. Yeah yeah, its their house, their rules.
    Well its not ever going to be like the old Yellow" but its the best we got" Michael is a cool dude"hay he lets me on here" and only be reprimand a couple times" at least i did,nt have to bend over and hold my ankles and wait for that board with all the hole's in it?"O" wait a minute thats when children could be punished?well i better get outa here before i do get in some sort of trouble" Willy
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