YouTube rules help!

Here are the YouTube Community Guidelines. Look under the 'Violent or Graphic Content.' It is not real clear to me what would lead to a video being flagged particularly in this time when people are removed from how nature works and wildlife management.. It seems to me if you provide the context of why the hunting or pest control is being done and provide a warning on the posted video it may help. I have seen many hunting and pest control videos that are just done in poor taste. I will not try to describe it to you but I know it when I see it. I know these video do nothing to to advance our hobby and sport. Bill 
you can post ANYTHING to youtube you would like as long as it isnt sexually lude content, HOWEVER if it shows acts of violence towards an animal (slow motion footage) it may be hard to become monetized, though they wont prohibit you from posting the video. but if your intent is to simply upload it to share you should be ok, might want to go ahead and age restrict the video just in case to cover all bases but you should be ok overall
Just put a two seconds warning at the beginning of your content.

Like "warning: hunting images"

And you can explain more reasons on the "info section" when you are ready to upload the video...
Remember that "Copyright" issues are more notorious than others, many videos are silenced or banned when they infringe Copyright on music, for example...

Godd luck!