What a day!!! (EDIT) Here's my AGD Long rangers entry video

(Video posted a few posts down...)
Today was a nice day so, I decided to open up that new Diana Stealth Am03 that's been patiently hiding under my bed since EBR. Cleaned it. Set up the scope. Recorded a review video. AND, since I was recording a video anyway, I decided to simultaneously record for the AGD Long Rangers Springer challenge! Busy day! 
WOW! It's been a LONG time since I've shot a springer and they definitely like a certain hold! 
It took quite a long time but I managed to hit that damned golf ball. If I had to guess, I'd say 25% luck and 75% on purpose. I'll take it. lol :)



Cheers, and good luck to everyone trying for this! 
Not a peep! But, I did see that I made the list by going to their website>valult>breaker challenge.
Any type of email reply from them would be nice. Even if it's only to let the shooter know that the application process was successful. I don't think this is the last time they'll do something like this. Hopefully, they'll make a change for next time. 
If you look in the official thread you will see that I looked into this issue already and was told that there would be no individual notices like last time and that the patches will be sent out at the end of the month. I do agree though at least a short message on the youtube vid like last time would have been cool.