Oh no, another stinker (an IMperfect skunk pesting)

The usual story. I caught him digging in the lawn. He was quartering toward me. I sent him a JSB 18 to the boiler room. He turned 180°, then fell over dead. Must've been a heart shot. 

I didn't see him lift his tail to spray, so I'm betting the pellet went through and clipped the stink sack on the way out.

The S510 is putting in some work this year, as are the rake and shovel. I hope this work pays off in the form of a LOT fewer skunks next year.

My neighborhood is one of those unincorporated ones with no sidewalks and a corrugated pipe that goes under each driveway. The skunks just LOVE those pipes, to shack up and make babies.

Ah well, here's to a few less next year.
