My favorite airgun story so far this year nice


Sep 29, 2015
New York
So... I kindly lent a friend my Hatsan's AT44 QE to take care of a squirrel pest control problem thing because I'm such a nice guy and I never use it anymore and my wife made me.

Anyway.. so he's shooting in his garden without making any effort to be discrete (even though he's not on good terms with his neighbor). He goes to shoot what I assume was the offending squirel who was primarily responsible for the damage to his property. He pulls the trigger and sees the squirrel dance around a bit and then it runs up a tree to hide. 

He has no idea if hit the squirrel or not so he sets the air rifle down in his kitchen and goes outside and stands next to the tree staring up at the branches with his binoculars. 

While he's doing that, a police officer appeared through the gate leading to his garden. Apparently his neighbor had placed a call to the local fuzz when she saw "a man waving a gun around near her property". 

The officer approaches him him and explains why he's been called and asks him directly if he is the one using a firearm in a residential neighborhood. 

My friend denies all knowledge and explains "I don't even own a firearm and would never use one in my garden if I did". 

Just then, in a stroke of perfect timing that only occurs once in a lifetime, the squirrel decides to expire and drops from it's hiding place 20 feet above them and lands directly on the policeman's head with what I can only assume was some considerable force. 

After the policeman gets over his understandable shock, he uses his brilliant powers of deductive reasoning to ask how come dead squirrels are falling out of his tree if nobody has been shooting here. 

Placed on the spot and backed into a corner, my friend says, with an apparently straight face, "it must have died of old age". 

He somehow managed to not get arrested and even more amazingly, he is now thinking of getting an airgun because it was so much fun using mine. 

Happy days!
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