Looking for the spread sheet by JC. Brown & Werner Wicha

Keith2324I know we share these files amongst ourselves to a great degree. Not quite on the ad nauseam level, but quite a bit. But putting something on a website could violate some sort of "intellectual property." But I am happy to share whatever I have.

Michael, what say you?


I don't see any problem in sharing that. I believe the chart gives credit to the original designer. I have never tried to share an Excel file, but I know that the hosting site imgur.com supports a few different file types including PDFs.
Here is one that I made. It is easier for me to read and gives me several different pieces of info I want including FPE for every shot.

Feel free to share or change it for yourself. I don't mind.


I found that this file was protected automatically on creation. I removed the protection. If you downloaded the file here, please just download again and it will be unprotected so you can enter data.