Good day with the trap.

Wish these were result of JSBs,but alas this is suburban Australia.The end is the same,5 less Indian mynahs.The cage trap works well.
Here is a crappy pic of what I use.It's hard to see how it works,so look at the link that shows how to build one.I bought this one ready made but am sure it would take little time,effort or dollars to make one.Good info from this site.The key is to realise Indian Mynahs are very clever and learn easily.Any sense of danger and they feel.I leave this trap out all day with doors open so they can go in and feed and leave freely.Dry cat food is the bait.Red if possible as it attracts them the best.You can use food dye on bread pieces works well too.
Late afternoon I close the doors and what goes in stays there until dark. Collect the trap at night when they don't see you,so they don't associate you with the trap.It may take some days tease them in but they do go in when they get comfortable with their surroundings.
Try it or build yourself a good hide and be patient and do it the way we'd both enjoy more.
819fb1975b113cfcb1cd2b3957bdd76f.jpg Cheers Paul