DIY Scope Mount problem - phone video settings

I made a DIY cellphone scope mount using a smartphone case, glued to PVC and attached with a 1.25" rubber plumbing coupler with hose clamps.

all of that works.

I put my phone in it, open up my camera app, and everything looks great. I press record, and the white balance goes absolutely bonkers, flooding the screen white so that nothing can be seen.

when I stop recording, the video goes back to proper white balancing.

here is a video I made

It's like it works great until I actually try to record.

Has anyone ever encountered this?
even zoom in and out with the scope

I think from your video your problem is the camera is seeing or recording so much Black Space it is adjusting the white balance to compensate to make the black space or as it perceives it the darkened space brighter so it can record it.. the camera is "dumb" if it sees a lot of dark or black it try to compensate for it..

indoors the problem is less because there is not as much light inside so when it does adjust it is not completely blowing out your picture..

thats my thoughts on what is happening...