CVLife 6-24x50 AOE Red & Green Illuminated Crosshair Gun Scope: $55

I purchased this rifle scope on Amazon considering it a roll of the dice. It has nice features, but the price raises some eyebrows for sure. I received it yesterday and was a bit nervous initially. I couldn't focus anything and things just didn't look right. I then realized that the eyepiece was loose and needed to be turned about 90°. I started playing around and finally figured out that I had my eye too close. When I move my eye back a bit things started to look better. I played with the focus and at the other end and things started coming together. It came with rings that are too big for my Marauder or my Savage .22LR so I ordered some rings and I'm waiting on those now.

My first impression review:
Build Quality: Good enough, but just barely
Function: Yes, but took some experimenting and adjusting
Clarity: Actually pretty good once it's focused
Packaging: enough to get it to the US from China, but just barely

This is what you get when you don't pay for quality. I'll get there eventually. I should have purchased one of the Hawke scopes when Batman was selling them. Once I have it mounted I'll test it and maybe offer a better review. The reviews on Amazon range from 'Piece of Crap!' to 'GREAT VALUE FOR THE PRICE!' so I have no idea what I've gotten into.
This is probably the same exact scope under a different brand for $35, I didn't see it until after I purchased the one that I bought:

At $55 you're going to have a lot of corners cut. With a lower budget I would always recommend going for as simple of a scope as possible. Going with less features means the money is spend on the functionality more than the marketing. But, if it works and does what you need it to do, then there is no shame in it. Matching the scope and the purpose almost always yields a satisfied feeling.
Hello guys.
I think I have something near to this CVLive scope, I bought it some time ago. Here in Brazil is very difficult to import a scope, I try to import a Hawke and the customs took the scope and the money. :’(
Then I bought one from a guy in Brazil. I think that is the same scope but with another brand marked on it, it’s a “SNIPER”. But it’s all from the same manufacture, chinese of course. =D It cost me R$700, something like $240, when I bought it, now one dollar cost R$4.00. In my opinion it will work. The values of the parallax ring seems to be near of the reality, but I’ll make another by myself. The reticle is a Range Find Osprey, but it’s no calibrated, according to de Osprey specifications. And I need to find the calibration to put in the StrelokPro.
Zoom 24x
Zoom 6x 
Turret Max
Scope and Box 
Unfortunately I don’t uses it until now, I have only Springers, and I don’t want to broke it. I bought for my Matador, that is coming son, I hope. ;) In my the turrets are marked 1/4" at 100 yards, but the dashes seems to be 1/8”. 
ZTIRFFRITZ do you have try to test the turrets to see if the 1/8” are accurate? 

Vinícius Braz
I only just mounted the scope on my Savage Model 60 .22lr. There's no ammo available to buy though so I haven't shot it yet. I did take it to the range and at full magnification I can read the ingredients of a soda can from about 40yards. So the glass seems to be OK. I'll try to do a proper review (my poor version at least) when I can buy some ammo. 
I sighted in the scope today. Fired about 300 rounds through it on my .22lr. From 25yards to 100 yards. It is dead on at 50 yards, scary accurate. Didn't seem to shift POI at all. At 100 yards things were moving around a bit, but I think that was a slight breeze and the shooters fault. I'm thinking about moving the scope to my marauder so I can take longer shots. My center point scope is doing really well though. Much higher quality than the price would indicate. At any rate, things seem to have worked for me on this scope. 
This scope is still kicking after about 1000 rounds on the .22lr. I thought about putting it on my marauder but I think I'll keep it on the .22lr. We've used between 25-100 yards. Works well enough. I don't really have any other high power scopes to compare it to but my only complaint is that there's a very small range of distance from the lens where the image is visible. Too close or too far and it doesn't work at all. At the right distance it works perfectly fine. 
I bought this scope a few months ago an have it mounted on my hatsan 125 sniper .22,and now my kral N11.25 and have fired thousands of rounds through with no POI changing unexpectedly and still functions perfectly, so a great bargain buy in my opinion. Look at it this way,a center point 6-24x50 is around $100 but your paying for crosman quality, this you get directly from Chinese manufacturers so its only $40, Only problem I have is I cannot find any information on the reticle spacing anywhere!
Just put one on my BullBoss and it's kinda ok not to impressed with it for being a 6-24 but maybe because I'm used to Vortex and Nikons on my other rifles, I'll have to look but I think I payed less for mine, just wanted to try a sub 100.00 scope. The BSA on my sons Gamo was clearer and the crosshairs were better just saying but I'm putting a different scope on my BullBoss.