Cricket compact rat busting...(Graphic)

Ding dongers were intermittently going off tonight. I figured it was only a matter of time before the target it made a mistake. I cracked the door and patiently waited and before you know i see some movement. I looked as if it was looking over the 4x4 wood blocks so I decided that was the perfect time to send the 15.9jsb to do my bidding. After inspecting I realized I hit her in the chin and exited the mid back area. It's been a while for the cricket compact to put in action. It's such a fun gun!



Just put down number 2. this one showed up 2 hours later.
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ztirffritzAre the "ding dongers" a commercial product marketed for this purpose or just something that you've put together? I have a rat problem around my house that is like to get under control.
They your typical driveway alerts/motion sensors. They can be had at Habor freight or any hardware store. You even order them from ebay. Just set them near your bait station and have fun.