Cold weather effects?

Hi Texan you still having issues with your 45?
Air temp, Humidity, and Elevation will effect ballistics,
In powder burners the effects are compounded by how the powder will be effected that is to say hotter temperature better burn colder temperatures slower burn the effects can be upwards to 1 moa at 100 yards
Because airgunners don't have to worry about cold bore zero it might be easy to disregard the effects of temperature on a barrel
1st is the slight effect in bore size, 2nd is the effect in the spine of the barrel be it hi, low, left or right.
Another factor that you need to keep in mind is humidity you might have said where you live but I can't remember but many times colder temperatures will mean less humidity this can lower your poi
While short, the previous post to test your gun in the colder temperatures isn't a bad one
About the effects of the weather..

It might be your scope. Some scopes start behaving bad in cold temperatures.

Then there is the barrel which does the same.
Even the the scope rail is affected.

Then there are variables with the external ballistics, ie. cold air is more dense.

I think that compared to powder burner a regulated pcp is more consistent (as long as the pressure remains above the regulators set pressure)